How to Treat Turf Burn & Accidental Injuries

How to Treat Turf Burn - KSHVID | Turf Burn: Infection, Heal Time, Treatment, and Prevention
How to Treat Turf Burn - Symptoms and Treatment - KSHVID

Have you ever hurt yourself unintentionally while playing your favorite sports? Do you know what a turf burn is? Have you ever experienced turf burn? If you are in sports, you might know the word “turf burn.” How to treat turf burn fast? Continue scrolling and learn more about the accidental injuries that can be dangerous for you if not treated right.

Read: Few Tips To Deal With Sunburn

What is Turf Burn?

Turf burn is a painful abrasion that can result while playing any sport on artificial turf.

For example, if you are a football, hockey, or soccer player, you may collide with the other player and fall on the spot, resulting in bruises and scratches on different body parts.

The injury happens after gliding against the artificial turf due to the friction, which tears your skin.

A turf burn can be small or cover a large body area, such as the legs and arms. Whether you fall or collide with the opponent player, turf burn can be severe or tolerant.

The important thing is that you must know the early symptoms of turf burn so that you treat it at the earliest. Additionally, you must know how to prevent turf burn during the game and play safely.

Sharing with you an amazing playing tip to save yourself from turf burn and such injuries. Use the body glide balms that are available in the market.

They help you create an invisible barrier adhering to your skin and allow the skin to sweat and breathe during the game.

Read: Skin Burns & Tips To Treat Them

How to Treat a Turf Burn?

A true sportsman on the ground faces many challenges, from mental to physical. Getting bruises and common injuries on certain body parts is part of the game, but not allowing your body to heal from them can be dangerous.

Have you ever wondered how to treat turf burn at home? If not, don’t worry because we have you covered.

Immediate treatment is essential to healing the turf burn readily. A general practitioner or medic can easily heal the burn in no time with the help of a basic first aid kit.

Apart from it, you must know how to treat it at home to treat yourself during the practice.

Common treatment of a turf burn

  • Wear sterile gloves and wash or clean the wounds with the help of clean water.
  • Clean any sand or dirt out of the wound or wash the wound with saline water.
  • Pat the bruises with a clean cloth and remove the debris.
  • If bleeding from the wound, use a clean bandage and dress sit firmly to stop the bleeding.
  • If the wounds are open and there is no bleeding, apply an antibiotic ointment to prevent the risk of infection.
  • Use aloe vera as an alternative at home if no ointment is available.
  • Place non-sticking dressing over the wound.
  • Wash and clean your injuries daily.
  • Apply ointment on minor and major injuries.
  • Wear breathable and loose clothing.
  • Cover the wound and bruises with a breathable cotton bandage.
  • After some rest, try to get a dose of tetanus injection as soon as possible.
  • Don’t be ignorant of your wounds. Let them breathe during the daytime.
  • Avoid touching your bruises as they can cause infection.

Apart from the basic treatment, it is important to take care of the turf burn wounds for a prolonged period. Skin wounds and bruises are prone to bacterial infection due to touching and coming in contact with the aerosol.

If the skin has cuts or bruises, the bacteria can enter the body and cause infection. Use hydrogel for turf burn to prevent infection.

Moreover, keep an eye on the wounds, so they don’t get pus. Pus is caused by bacterial infection, which can be challenging to treat.

Do not tightly compress or wrap the bandage, so there is no room. Keep the wounds completely dry to prevent any infection.

If you want to find out how to sleep with turf burn, we advise taking a painkiller on the first day.

Then, keep your legs and arms stretched. Finally, wear comfy clothes that don’t touch your skin.

Read: Obsession With Failure, Hunt For Perfection Linked To Burnout

How to Prevent Turf Burn?

If you are into playing different sports, you must know how to avoid turf burn. To avoid injuries and re-injuries, avoid participation in the game until you are 100% fit. The game can wait, but health cannot.

Skin pads are additional sports gear that can protect a person from leg injuries during a game. Wear appropriate game gloves and long-sleeved shirts to avoid bruises on the arms.

Wear a head helmet to prevent any head injuries. If you are into cricket or football, use knee-high socks to prevent your lower legs, knee, and feet.

Last but not the least, wear a sunblock to protect your face from sunburn. Wear body balms that can protect your skin from friction against the grass and artificial turf.

Final Words:

Regardless of the game that you play, prevention is necessary. Turf burn is an immediate situation that needs proper handling by an expert on the spot.

If you delay the treatment, it can result in different infections, which can be fatal. So, if you play any outdoor game, wear sports gear to prevent injury.


How long does it take for turf burn to heal?

The proper care and treatment can take a few weeks, depending on the nature of your turf burn, like the bruise, cuts, or deep wounds. Plus, the healing time depends on the severity of the wound.

Can you put Vaseline on turf burn?

No. Being a greasy ointment, it can create a moisture barrier, resulting in delayed healing of the wounds.

Why is my turf burning wet?

One reason can be the ointment that you have used. If you use a liquid ointment, the turf burn may feel wet. Apart from this, if the wounds develop pus and turf burn starts oozing, it may become wet.

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