Sitting Comfortably with a Fractured Pelvis: Tips & Healing

how to sit comfortably with a fractured pelvis
how to sit comfortably with a fractured pelvis

A fractured pelvis can be a painful injury requiring careful attention to healing and daily activities. Sitting comfortably is one of the most common challenges people with a fractured pelvis face.

The best way to avoid pain is to detect the primary issue causing the pain. Mind that pain varies from person to person, but a few methods exist to prevent severe pain.

This blog post will provide tips and techniques to help you sit comfortably with a fractured pelvis.

So, let’s begin your journey to discover the secrets of sitting comfortably with a fractured pelvis.

Which Bones Make Pelvis?

If you have a fracture in any part of your pelvis, there is often a matching fracture on the other side.

Three bones make a pelvis.

  • The sacrum (the large triangle-shaped bone at the base of your spine).
  • The coccyx (tailbone).
  • The hip bones, which include the ilium, ischium, and pubis

Excessive Movements

The hip or pelvis bears most of the upper body weight, So any movement can strain the pelvis. With a fractured pelvis, doctors recommend avoiding excessive movements; doctors might suggest complete bed rest if the fracture is severe.

Sitting Comfortably with a Fractured Pelvis: Tips for Minimizing Pressure

The only consideration while sitting is to avoid extra pressure or strain on the fractured bone, which means you cannot sit with your legs crossed or stand up using your arms as support.

Choose cushioned comfort: Enhance your sitting comfort with a soft, supportive cushion featuring a coccyx-friendly cut-out design to alleviate pelvic bone pressure.

Stabilizing and elevating the fractured bone is essential to avoid putting pressure on it. For this purpose, coccyx or doughnut cushions can be helpful. A coccyx cushion can help you to prevent strain on the pelvis and spine; it can also help you to improve your posture.

If your work includes sitting, this could be problematic. Prolonged sitting can irritate the fractured bone and induce pain.

To avoid this problem

  • Try shifting positions every five minutes.
  • Take frequent breaks between sitting and standing up for five minutes after every 30 minutes.

Walking With a Fractured Pelvis 

Signs and Symptoms

The signs of a fractured pelvis depend on the severity of the fracture. Some people start walking right after the fracture, and sometimes, it’s impossible to stand due to unbearable pain.

After the fracture, the Patient should avoid walking. Complete bed rest is not necessary for hairline fractures; doctors still recommend rest and walking with the help of a walking aid such as crutches and cranes.

For avulsion fractures, the patient needs Bed rest for 6-8 weeks, while stress fractures require 4-6 weeks to heal completely.

Recovery Time for the Elderly

The recovery time for older adults with a fractured pelvis is way longer than for a healthy young adult or child.

It usually takes eight to twelve weeks for an older person to recover from a pelvic fracture.

Pelvic fracture is the most common type in the elderly due to weak or insufficient bones. Bones in older people get weak due to osteoporosis and are fractured easily.

Healing in older adults requires complete bed rest, even for hairline fractures.

Signs and Symptoms for a Hairline Pelvis Fracture

The signs and symptoms of hairline pelvis fracture include;

  • Sharp or shooting pain in the groin area
  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Intense pain during walking or running
  • Pain while peeing
  • Swelling in the pelvic region
  • Bruising and tenderness

How to Get Out of Bed With a Pelvis Fracture?

If the doctor has recommended complete bed rest, you may ask your caretaker to help you get out of bed and try not to put any direct pressure on your pelvis.

 Rolling to your side is the best option if you want to get out of bed without anyone’s help. To do this,

  1. Roll to your strong side.
  2. Scoot the hips close to the edge of your bed.
  3. Bring both legs off and push up from the bed or side rail.

Long-Term Effects of a Pelvic Fracture

1. Limping Gait

 Patients often limp for several weeks or even months after fractures because after fracturing the hip, the muscles around the pelvis become weak and take a long time to become strong again.

Long-term complications of an untreated  fractured pelvis

 2. Nerve Damage

When there’s nerve damage at the time of pelvic fracture, some nerve damage will remain and should affect your long-term mobility.

It can also cause disability in some cases; the severity of long-term effects depends on the type and severity of fractures.

How Can You Diagnose Pelvic Fracture?

  • X-ray is the gold standard for the diagnosis of pelvis fracture
  • A CT scan can also help in the diagnosis
  • Signs and symptoms also help to diagnose the injury. 

What Is the Fastest Way to Heal Pelvic Fractures?

1. Rest

The most effective and best way of fast healing is to rest, avoid putting pressure on the hip, stabilize it, and prevent further injuries.

2. Walking Aids

Depending on the type of fracture, your healthcare provider may suggest you use different types of walking aids.

Crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, or cranes are the most commonly used walking aids in rehabilitation after lower limb fractures.

They elevate the stress and strain from the broken bone and help to make the healing fast.

You may have to use walking aids for at least 3-4 months until the fracture is completely healed.

3. Medications

The doctor may prescribe you medication for pain, such as painkillers or NSAIDs, to help the healing process.

4. Surgery

Surgery is required when the fracture is unstable and cannot heal independently. There are different types of surgeries;

  • External fixation
  • Skeletal traction
  • Open reduction and internal fixation

How Can Physiotherapy Help You?

Physiotherapy plays a vital role in rehabilitating fractured bone; after surgery for healing of the bone, the physiotherapist checks for the ROM assesses for postural instability, and assesses the gait of the patient and the strength of the muscles.

  • Physiotherapist help in correcting the limping gait
  • Strengthening the muscles of the pelvis
  • Exercises to promote healing
  • Increasing the range of motion
  • Correct any postural instability
  • Prevent disability

Wrapping up!

When the pelvis is fractured, people might start walking right away because the trauma numbs the pain, but it will be sharp, shooting, and unbearable when it finds its way.

If you want to sit comfortably with a fractured pelvis, use cushions and avoid prolonged sitting.

The best way to heal pelvic fractures is to rest; it is essential to ask for professional help and follow the treatment protocols to avoid any complications or disability in the future.

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