Study: Revising Blood Sugar Levels Can Improve Obesity-Related Fertility Issues

Study: Revising Blood Sugar Levels Can Improve Obesity-Related Fertility Issues
Study: Revising Blood Sugar Levels Can Improve Obesity-Related Fertility Issues

Washington [US]: According to another review reproductive hormone levels in obese females might be somewhat re-established by bringing down blood glucose levels, prompting further developed fruitfulness.Infertility and Diabetes in Women related to Control glucose level.

The discoveries of the review were distributed in the Journal of Endocrinology. The review demonstrates that modified degrees of reproductive hormones in a deep-rooted mouse model of heftiness might be somewhat reestablished by a typical kind 2 diabetes medicine that lessens blood glucose levels.


Numerous ladies with stoutness that experience richness issues likewise have changed degrees of conceptive chemicals. Right now, there is no powerful treatment to address this.

The advancement of a treatment that works on ladies’ metabolic wellbeing as well as treats obesity-related infertility would be a critical progression, with the possibility to work on many individuals’ personal satisfaction.

In spite of the fact that ripeness issues are deep-rooted in ladies with obesity, there stays an absence of successful and designated medicines to address them.


Obesity is a developing well-being scourge, and that implies more ladies are being impacted by regenerative challenges.

Obesity-related fertility

Obesity-related fertility issues are complex but evidence suggests that, in part, they may be linked to changes in energy metabolism, which lead to altered levels of reproductive hormones that can then disrupt the menstrual cycle and ovulation.

People with obesity are at a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes and often have high blood glucose levels, as well as other metabolic changes.


The MC4R gene knock-out (KO) mouse is a well-characterized model of obesity, which also exhibits irregular reproductive cycles with altered hormone levels that lead to declining fertility.

The mouse reproductive cycle is similar to that of humans, in that the profile of hormone level changes is analogous, although it is much shorter in duration,

So, the MC4R KO mouse is a good, representative model for initial investigations of metabolic and reproductive function in obesity.


Dapagliflozin is a drug commonly used to treat type 2 diabetes, where it reduces blood glucose levels and improves other markers of metabolic health but its effects on reproductive health and fertility have yet to be investigated.

In this study, Professor Chen and colleagues at the University of Queensland in Australia investigated the effects of dapagliflozin treatment on metabolic health and reproductive hormone levels in the MC4R mouse model of obesity.

After just 8 weeks of treatment blood, and glucose levels were normal, body weight was reduced, the reproductive cycle was normalized and levels of reproductive hormones and ovulation were partially restored, compared with non-treated mice.

Low Fertility in Women

“We often see low fertility in women with obesity in clinical practice”, comments primary author, Dr. Cui, a visiting fellow from Chengdu Women and Children Hospital in China, “so this research provides hope for a future, effective treatment.”

Professor Chen comments, “These data suggest that normalizing blood glucose metabolism with dapagliflozin in obesity may be a promising route for at least partially restoring reproductive function. This could improve fertility in women where no other successful therapy is currently available.”


However, Professor Chen cautions, “Although encouraging, these studies were conducted in mice and much more work needs to be done to confirm that these findings could be replicated effectively in women.

However, people with obesity are at much greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes, so the known health benefits of correcting blood glucose levels may be extended to also improving fertility in those affected.”

The team now intends to further investigate the therapeutic benefits of using dapagliflozin to improve reproductive function by examining the molecular pathways involved, which could identify better targets for future fertility treatment in women.

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